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drawing a lawsuit this month from the Conservancy 371









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发表于 2016-6-18 06:22:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
A golden eagle in flight. Fish and Wildlife Service has granted immunity to a California wind farm for eagle deaths. (AP Photo/US Fish and Wildlife Service)
FRESNO, Calif. Fish and Wildlife Service said ThursdayThe Shiloh IV Wind Project LLC, 60 miles east of San Francisco, will receive a special permit allowing up to five golden eagles to be accidentally killed over five years. Previously, such a violation could potentially draw criminal charges and discourage private investment in wind farms known for catching birds in their rotorsThe permit will require the facility to take steps to prevent eagle injuries and deaths from electrocution by retrofitting 133 power poles. The permits are not required of wind farms, and federal prosecutors have only once filed criminal charges against a wind farm, in WyomingAgency Director Daniel Ashe said the permit encourages development of renewable energy while requiring the wind company to take steps to protect eagles from turbines and power lines. The move will help California reach its goal of producing one third of its energy from renewable sources by 2020, he saidcan solve the problem of eagle mortality at wind farms overnight, Ashe said in a statement. this common sense solution merits the support of all who advocate for the long term conservation of eagles. President Barack Obama, wind energy has exploded as a pollution free energy source that can help reduce the greenhouse gases blamed for global warmingMichael Hutchins of the American Bird Conservancy said he believes the five year permit for the California wind farm is reasonable, but he said the rapid expansion Penso che questo è un piccolo pezzo di un progetto di 16 milioni di dollari of wind energy has gotten ahead of the science and regulation to protect all types of birds and raptors. Too often, he said, wind farms are built in migratory patterns, near wetlands or over rodent populationsBirds on the hunt can become distracted by what on the ground and fly into the rotors, Hutchins saidit really green energy if it going to kill hundreds of thousands of birds or bats each year? he said. whole system needs a much harder look. government has offered five year permits since 2009 to wind companies, and last year it added a 30 year permit, drawing a lawsuit this month from the Conservancy, which argues that the government failed to evaluate the consequences and ensure it would not damage eagle populationsAn Associated Press investigation in 2013 found that the Obama administration has charged oil companies for drowning birds in their waste pits, and power companies for electrocuting birds on power lines, but it has taken little if any action against wind mutta kaikki katsomassa ymmärtää se ei ole niinkään se energy companies, shielding them from liabilityShiloh IV Wind Project, a subsidiary of EDF Renewable Energy Inc., is a 102 megawatt wind farm operating since dit Shiomi 2012 and made up of 50 turbines in Solano County. Representatives of EDF did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
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