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Krissy 16









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发表于 2016-9-21 19:41:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The Palo Alto Police are in a 'no win' situation   I think anyone willing to possibly be its Police Chief is surely an idiot. The vocal few will continue to harass the unit irrespective of the job they do. Every word that could be misconstrued are going to be grounds for dismissal, any inconvenience placed on a citizen from the police will be viewed as pestering, any stop of a few will be viewed as discrimination   and blown out of proportion. This is certainly to provide a North Hampton residentcitizenhomeownerpersonkamaaina  04 our Palo Alto Police Section with my support also to provide our incoming Law enforcement officials Chief with my trustworthy condolences.
"One resident, Kristen Johnson, complained about an accident a year ago in which a large band of heavily armed officers forceably entered her home and handcuffed people in her family. Officers were being searching for a murder suspect, who has been visiting Johnson's home at the time of the raid."
She complained about the authorities arresting a MURDER SUSPECT In HER HOME. How unbelievable is this?!? Is this something possibly worth anyones time? Obviously the police were armed (duh!) as well as they handcuffed people in the house together with the MURDER SUSPECT she had stopping it at her home.
Maybe someone from her family should be complaining regarding the lack of intelligence in who they let come over. I am able to guarantee that a MURDER Believe does not hangout with me at home. I can also guarantee that if somehow a person did, and the police reached arrest them, I would be thankful for their work.
"Another resident, Barbara Waugh, lashed available against the department because the girl's son was charged with a new "hit and run" after he gone down his car into a fireplace hydrant in October, even though he allegedly reported the automobile accident to the police shortly after the idea occurred."
"There's so much rejection in this community," Stacy Cusulos, Waugh's partner, said. "The ante regarding accountability needs to be raised. Hmmmm, I am not a detective but it seems to me that the police identified a run over fire hydrant yet no car, almost as should the driver involved in the accident left (or maybe "ran") from the scene.
Hmmmmm, may sound like maybe Stacy doesn't feel like her son is "accountable" with regard to his actions. To bad he won't change right up until that happens. The big bad law enforcement picking on her son for only failing to stay at the picture of an accident. It's just a law, no big deal. I say its a good thing the police and the Fordi think he should be kept "accountable." I guess they are made to help raise his "ante to get accountability" since she has denied her very own failure in raising him or her to be "accountable" and stay at the world of an accident which he induced.
Another pathetic showing by a few citizens who come out in the community to harass public officials and its the Harassers which get the attention, and those close to whom the story is presented. Every time there is an opportunity to get-together the police, there he is   this Al Sharpton of the Peninsula. I gave a talk to a regional police official the other day who said that Palo Alto is a running joke among community safety officials for in public hanging our last authorities chief, as she had been probably the most tolerant and intensifying police chief on the Peninsula. It is extremely sad that the Weekly continuously frame public safety based on those  few , the same several, or 3 4 who seem to come out to complain every time. Consider getting a reporter out in to the community to ask about our authorities? How about looking at the public examine, where people show satisfaction along with police services, by and large. Keep doing the great job you've been accomplishing for years. By and large   with occasional exceptions that ANY organization features, the Palo Alto police are a fantastically trained group. It's about time that the citizens recognized that as an alternative to having to deal with Yellow Journalistic accounts of meetings that are inhabited by rowdy groups who the Weekly let produce false general impressions.
Very well I called this past Thursday to tell them that I discovered two men one in a vehicle and the other got out of the auto awalked right up to my mail bax as well as opened the box and put the hand in to take my snail mail, when I just happened to be within my office and looked the window and pounded for the window, to let him know that I saw him, they made a u turn in the trail and took off.
I known as the police department to record this and they told me it was subsequently a Federal issue, bed mattress that, when I thought I used to be doing the right thing and was wanting to help others in my neighborhood. I'm sure this has happened to other individuals in the city. since Brown. Must be on his period. Next time I entertain the murder suspect I can make it a requirement he with good grace steps outside if the cops come calling. Being handcuffed while a possible murderer is drawn out ofmy home is SUCH an hassle. Seriously, how many times have officers been injured or killed because they are at a most dangerous situations of all, getting into a home where a suspected murder suspect may be, um, 'visiting, and have the acquaintances of this individual support them in escape, or discarding evidence, right down to producing harm to the officers? Give me a break. I hope Burns does a lot of yoga. Sounds like he will be doing a lot of butt obtaining if he keeps opting this vein. Better maintain stocks of the chapstick too.
I've changed my mind. Maybe they DO will need to go 'outside' to find a new Chief. I don't want a Chief who will give to PC agitators. When is your next of these meetings? I want to be there.
The Palo Alto Police Dept. only doesn't feel good. I would feel uncomfortable about having to go to them for anything. In my Three decades of living here I had a lot of (10?) incidents of continual barking dogs late at night. Each and every time the police pulled up to the home (so it was obvious to any neighbors that I phoned a report). I live on your own this scared me therefore i finally quit calling. Police officers knew who had made this calls could simply have reach the neighborhood and, if tested accurate, fined the dog proprietors.
A few years ago I was stopped throughout traffic on Oregon Exp. a motorist with no insurance drove in to me. Despite filing a written report numerous calls, the Police Dept. refused ever to call us back or give me virtually any information.
I've always received great respect for the law enforcement. We desperately need their protection. However, there should be an open department. where people can walk alongside problems be made to really feel welcome.
30 years ago I lived in Mt. Lebanon, a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. At that time ( maybe at this point) they had such a warm, pleasant dept. If anyone's interested, you could learn from them.
Carole: the law enforcement have to respond somewhere in close proximity to your address to listen to the noise unless you were able to produce an exact address for the offending party. Before calling police officers I will slip outside as well as walk to the residence at issue to get the info. When calling in to dispatch, you can particularly ask for no contact, or even that the officers only phone you. You can also ask to be anonymous whenever they make contact with the other party. Any particular one I would stress, because I experienced a breach of confidence (even though they are not supposed to provide the RP's data) by an officer once. He / she didn't know I could hear the concepts being said. That's one time though, the rest of the moment they have handled the telephone calls with total professionalism. It's only about using common sense when producing your complaint.
Dude? We have received two murders downtown away from, or right by night clubs. There are many fights that can worsen into something worse in Friday and Saturday days to weeks. Look what just went down in Menlo outside the BBC. Google the particular club scene in San Jose, all of the violence there. You don't such as seeing Palo Alto cops hanging the downtown area of at our clubs? Its presence at least is lower key, unless they are needed. Go to downtown SJ at ending time one weekend, it appears that the troops sweeping a streets of Iraq pertaining to insurgents!
We have a lot of clubs down-town, more coming. A lot of different folks up in the mix, from all over the place. I appreciate the police existence on the weekends. Wish we could have an overabundance of!
The meeting Donovan Cavers last night was very encouraging, and a good faith effort on the part of your PAPD to reach out to the community they will serve.
While I only envisioned a "Meet the Chief" format, with merely Chief Burns in attendance, I became surprised to see eleven various other police officers there, answering concerns engaging the community until just about 10PM. Council Member Yiaway Yeh was also from the audience, the entire time.
So the prior need not equal the future. Due to the fact that a series of "Meet the Chief" Los recorridos comienzan cada media hora y son 45 minutos a pie por el bosque 03 events are planned, the PAPD and the city is NOT in rejection of racial issues that possess happened, but rather, they have already considered steps to address, and correct the idea.
I give mit anderen zu sein 93 last nights meeting a 10 out of 15!! So many good suggestions were created by the public, it would benefit someone from the City Boss's office to be at the subsequent meeting, on March Thirty-one at Lucie Stern at 7PM, inside Fireside Room.
Thank you for you to Gennady Sheyner for covering the meeting last week. It was great to meet as well as we appreciate your interest.
For posters' information who were not at the getting together with: only two people at the conference were African American. Most of the a lot of questions about police conduct had been posed by white citizens like myself, Stacy, Kristen and Aram. While white women in Palo Alto, Lisa, Kristen and I feel very safe, also have the good work of PAPD once we have needed them and also completely resonated with the good things reported about PAPD. As parents of Black color children, however, we are fearful and could identify with every matter and fear. Every alarm, every unexpected knock within the door or unidentified text message causes our hearts so that you can race and often gives rise to sleeplessness and anxious days to check out.
At the meeting last night, Appearing Chief Burns conducted an extremely open and thoughtful achieving, never cut anyone off, acknowledged there has been a problem, blunders have been made, and presented many actions the office is taking to improve itself including monthly meetings with the area. The call for accountability would have been to translate the good intentions in policies, practices and performance measurements that assure all Palo Altans go through the benefits and freedom coming from harrassment and excessive force loved by most whites.
Based on last night's meeting, all these meetings are not just PR, instead, open, frank and respectful conversations. Watch for more information with regards to next month's meeting and come and also meet the neighbors you are writing in relation to. One of us is a retired high tech executive and medical doctor of psychology, one a minister and diversity consultant, 1 a retired officer as well as 49er, one an artist, teacher as well as daughter of a Stanford professor. Remember to consider changing your alias to your serious name as we have done and see if it changes what you say. It did for me.
Regarding our African American son's believed 'hit and run,' we had arrived shocked a few months ago to open the mail and find a cause for our son's arrest. Them took our lawyer to discover the warrant was for skidding to a fire hydrant in the rain while Driving While Black. Calls towards the officer who wrote the report were not returned. Calling and emails to Key Johnson were addressed promptly. After investigating, the Chief became aware this accident did not meet the definition of 'hit and run.A It was raining, our kid had a young child in the car, 911 did not respond immediately, and thus he immediately called PAPD, met them in our home, advised insurance and paid for destruction the day we got the bill. Key Johnson spoke with the Nr who rescinded the warrant and also dismissed the charges, as she confirmed in email to us. 2 months after she left, the warrant again came through the mail. Since there was now again an active assure for the arrest of our daughter, our lawyer advised many of us do as PAPD ordered: that he drop and be booked and sent to a court date. This he did. Meantime, during our request, the police are usually again investigating, as Main Johnson did before the lady talked to the DA together the charges dropped and the guarantee rescinded. Acting Chief Burns Det. Baby trend Beacom, as Chief Johnson ahead of them, have been courteous along with helpful.
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