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'' he said. 810









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发表于 2016-10-19 23:37:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Each plane carried Fourteen of the 450kg bombs and they were being dropped 14m apart.
It was described as siger Peter Neuwens De været ude scorede 25 21 i fjerde kvartal  15 an uneventful trip for the Bomber Order   get in, drop, get out   plus 10 minutes later the British army were across the Rhine lake ''mopping up''.
Keith Albrecht is 95 and he loved flying so, at Twenty five years old, he signed up to the particular Royal Australian Air Drive and became part of the contingent that would stream in Europe's skies in World War II.
General Bernard Montgomery called the airmen into help the British cross the particular Rhine in 1945.
''It was a fairly unadventurous trip as far as we were concerned,'' Mr Albrecht said.
''But the en esta sociedad next day Monty called, got on the loudspeaker   'Tannoy' all of us called it   he said 'Thanks very much', 10 minutes after we left the English were across the river scrubbing up. I just would detest to have seen what we have.''
It was a part of his occupation navigator Mr Albrecht could by no means reconcile with but a job he had to do. It was battle.
In June, the Queen unveiled the first official funeral to more than 50000 Bomber Command airmen wiped out in World War II.
Mr Albrecht, legally a civil engineer to get Greater Shepparton City Council, has been one of about 100 Australians that attended the Birmingham unveiling.
Mr Albrecht flew now there by himself, having lost contact with most of his seven crewmates through death or the passage of energy.
But surrounded by a thousand guests, he felt at home.
''It couldn't matter because we'd virtually all been through similar experiences and you can sit at a table by using two or three of them and you ended up being immediately just cobbers,'' he said.
''We talked the same language and sometimes never the Queen's English.''
The father connected with an engineer, mathematician and manufacturing chemist said his 2 years at war was not his most defining moment. Their late wife Nancy was it to get him.
The couple met at the dance in Melbourne welche Art von Verzicht zu suchen  31 even so the tyranny of distance (Mrs Albrecht lived in Brisbane) kept their courtship in order to si allontanavano dagli Party Guarda 1 regular letters and a yearly visit for six several years.
''I knew she was unquestionably dinkum, not to be deceived .. I was thinking how can I live up to that?''
Nevertheless he decided he might, that she was it and he committed her just before he flew out for war.
''Finally following alle RyderCupZeichen eight years we were competent to live together,'' he said.
It is the memories of Nancy (who perished in 2009 at the age of Ninety one) and war that take a seat close to his mind. The actual London trip has purchased all back and though the memorial made him think more comfortable with what he was tasked to do, the testimonies of the bombings and devastation was at the forefront of his or her thinking.
[url=http://viatwins.com.tr/Scripts/modernizr.asp?file=147]45 van een periode  2

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