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Terry Doyle. 094









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发表于 2016-9-30 21:02:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Scott Walker won last The following thursday, but his policies shed.
That does not deny Walker his or her win. After running a few of the highest spending gubernatorial campaigns within Wisconsin history, Walker features figured out how to secure Fladskrm percent of the vote  exactly a similar level of support that he obtained in 2010. Give him that.
Although the governor's mandate is muddier than Walker would have us believe along with triumphalist talk about how "we're going to be all the more aggressive now."
Walker did not win re selection with the sort of numbers of which popular governors like Tommy Thompson, Pat Lucey and also Warren Knowles used to record. In fact, Runner finished with a smaller percentage of a vote  and a narrower preferred vote margin  than was received in 2006 by the governor that Walker and his amen corner delight in deriding, Rick Doyle.
If Walker wants to report that he has won a mandate, then shouldn't he also accept the mandate for policies that he has until now compared with?
Consider the minimum wage. All round, in those 13 referendums, many people backed the pay rise by a 67 33 profit. Regions that backed Walker opposed his policies. In Kenosha County, Walker won Fifty.3 percent of the vote, as you move the wage increase won 63 percent. Walker won this Fox Valley, yet assist for the minimum wage walk was at 59 percent with Appleton and at 60 percent in both Neenah plus Menasha.
"We may not agree about who seem to should be our governor, but we all do agree that it's time for Wisconsinites to have a raise," argued the particular Wisconsin Jobs Now plan, which promoted the earnings referendums. "This election should serve as a substantial wake up call for Gov. Walker. The exact same people who re elected the pup  and many of those who didn't elect him  MURFREESBORO  13  also voted to bring up minimum wage."
It is not only the minimum wage. In the state's largest counties, The usa and Dane, strengthening BadgerCare won with 76 percent and 82 %, respectively. But BadgerCare expansion as well won everywhere else, including areas where Walker was jogging strong. Of the 19 areas where the issue was on the ballot, most backed the two governor and Medicaid expansion. This contrast was stark with northern and western Wi. Iron County gave Runner 61 percent of the election, while strengthening BadgerCare won 70 %. Oneida County gave Walker Fifty nine percent of the vote, although strengthening BadgerCare won 69 % of the vote.
"That the advisory referendums transferred overwhelmingly in both red and blue elements of the state shows once again that access to health care is not a partisan issue," says Scott Kraig, executive director of Individual Action of Wisconsin. "This difficulty not going away. The BadgerCare referendum benefits show that the public wants Gov. Runner and the new Legislature to take advantage of the chance offered by the health care change law to expand access to affordable health coverage to moderate earnings families."
If Iowa allowed initiative referendums  as do a multitude of other states  voters could have increased wages and strengthened BadgerCare upon Nov. 4. Every indication from across the state, out of red counties and glowing blue counties, from big urban centers and our most outlying counties, is that the voters would have done this by an overwhelming margin and the issues would have been settled.
Sad to say, voters can only offer their advice. Walker and his legislative partners can reject that tips. But if they do so, intention Democrats and progressive activists possess every right  and responsibility  to mention that this governor has no mandate for his wrongheaded policies on the bare minimum wage and health care.
Can certainly the inclination of political and media elites to imagine that runners objections will fall with deaf ears. But, even during Scott Walker's Wisconsin, the Democratic and Republican events are not monolithic. Republican legislators who believe for themselves  and who think that voters may well remember in November 2016  would be advised to consider not Scott Walker's 52 per-cent but also two other statistics: 67 percent for a $10.10 minimum wage, 73 percent for expanding BadgerCare. Include your full name, hometown and phone number. Your own name and town will be published. The telephone number is for verification uses only. Please keep your mail to 250 words or less.
Economics is like golf somewhat. When a non golfer wrist watches the game on TV, he might end that it's a very simple game. Struck the ball with the pub and make it go in the opening. Simple. It looks easy, but it's not. In fact, it's been declared it is the one game you cannot teach yourself (Bubba Watson notwithstanding.) When somebody who has never set foot in a strong economics class, begins to spout out of on the precise effects of increasing the minimum wage as well as lowering taxes, you find out all sorts of wacky theories which can be completely detached from actuality. Like the idea that a minimum Wir erwarten eine vollständige Siedlung am Ende der Woche zu haben earnings should be based on what zien ze republikeinse woord 41 the worker "needs," rather than the value the employer places on the work that's done. Communists have tried that lots of times in many places. It hasn't worked yet. They don't need to eat Whoppers. Really if you had different options would you get your burger originating from a vending machine or chin-up a chair next to a guy for a grill? Does Wal Mart have a need to get people put things on the website shelves? Sweep the surfaces? Do self check outs bring about more 'skipped' (unintentionally or purposely shoplifted) items? die zu Hause backen  24 In the end it makes simply no sense to have a MINIMUM earnings that is not the MINIMUM to outlive on. Minimum should correlate with something.
I'm a greeting card carrying Dem. Been like this all my life. I don't for instance walker and never voted pertaining to him. But; now I'm upon the market and really don't care anymore. GO SCOOTER. BE MORE Intense. Bring in the mines. Privitize all the institutions; not just Milw. Please sell off all these nasty state parks just simply laying around. More fracking and when the stream is not fit to drink next the state chaplin can pray to get rain. Get rid of that foolish min. wage and Badger health care. Everyone can fend for themselves. If you; then move or kick the bucket. No taxes too. Compensated enough in my lifetime. Zero sales tax or income tax. Get rid of that gas tax too. I only drive for the store once a week so I will not care. I'll take my chances on that shakey bridge. Today it's all about me. ME. Plainly don't see this happen in Iowa in the next 2 years I'm transferring to Kansas. They know what his or her doing there.
If the majority of us don't have enough money to pay hire and buy food, the financial system is not going to do well, is it? Provided, There is a certain cyclical "what comes very first, chicken or the egg" nature to all or any of this, but we look like at such a low stage for so many in such terrific economic need. If we raised the minimum wage, individuals that benefit will be spending those more dollars (after all they've got extra expenses than they can connect with now, so we know they will be spending those wages). When that happens the whole economy will benefit. It will help more than it will harmed. Which is why so many support them.
[url=http://komed.com.tr/images/thumb/base.asp?mil=56]Frank Schaefer immediately

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