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Libya and Viet Nam 423









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发表于 2016-10-15 22:56:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
In total, the Council organised 171public meetings in 2009, down tremendously from the 217 held in 2008. 60 of those meetings, or just within half, concerned Africa. Your 15 member body implemented 48resolutions and issued 35presidential statements. Once again it strove for consensus in order to increase the effectiveness of its decisions, with five resolutions requiring the vote and just one occasioning the veto by a permanent Council representative.Possibly the most meaningful step forward occurred in the area of extensive stalled efforts towards fischer disarmament and non proliferation for 24September, when, with 14Heads of Declare or Government representing participants, the Council took its initial significant action on the topic for the reason that mid 1990s at an cultural meeting presided over by Barack Obama, the first sitting President of the United States ever to do so.Unanimously taking on resolution 1887 (2009), members promised broad progress in overcoming the proliferation of atomic weapons, controlling fissile material along with ensuring reductions in established weapons stockpiles. They affirmed the actual Council's primary responsibility to address atomic threats, stressing that all conditions of non compliance with nuclear treaties should be delivered to its attention. While the res did not target specific international locations, the diplomatic stalemates over the respective fischer programmes of Iran and the Democratic Folk's Republic of Korea remained types of concern throughout the year.Another issue that received increased interest was the protection of populations vulnerable to armed conflict, which had been building in importance on the previous several years as killing, mutilation and sexual attacks next to civilians reached epidemic proportions in spite of advances in human proper rights law. The Council organised eight related meetings below the agenda items "Children and informed conflict", "Civilians and armed conflict", and "Women, serenity and security". It adopted four resolutions and issued 2 presidential statements aimed at improving the circumstance on the ground by focusing peacekeeping mandates on civilian protection, overseeing the situation more comprehensively, and fascinating all parties to conflict in protecting civilians and prosecuting their attackers.The most shifting meeting in that context taken place on 29April, when Grace Akallo, a little daughter Ugandan woman abducted by the cool dude Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), recounted your ex ordeal as a fighter plus sex slave, receiving a warm ovation and helping inspire a number of the day's 60speakers to vow to handle the impunity enjoyed by the criminals of such suffering. Briefings on non profit and other thematic issues, particularly terrorism, in addition remained high on the Council's agenda because it held public meetings in addition to sessions of its subsidiary committees all through 2009.The year began with a bitter note, with the Authority seized of Israel's military offensive in the Gaza Strip following the 26December review of a truce with Hamas and a next barrage of rocket hearth into southern Israel. On 8January, after a precipitous rise in the civilian dying toll and days of intensive meetings, de lessence du Père the Council implemented resolution 1860 (2009), despite the abstention of the usa, which called for an immediate and also sustainable ceasefire leading to the full disengagement of Israeli forces.While Israel withdrew via Gaza on 21January, its continued blockade of needed goods, the continued smuggling of weapons by network . groups and a report by a United Nations fact finding mission alleging war crimes while in the offensive cast a pall over Council efforts to reactivate Middle East peace negotiations, as did continuing Israeli arrangement activity and the effects of this intra Palestinian split between Hamas and Fatah, in line with regular monthly briefings to the Council. In spite of relative calm and international initiatives   including an 11May presidential statement urging diplomatic action, stepped up proposal by the United States and Egypt and a Quartet parley in September   the actual impasse threatened the very chance of a two State solution, Local authority or council members heard during the last briefing regarding 2009 on the topic.Also traveling to the fore early in the year had been border clashes between Djibouti plus Eritrea, with the Council urging any peaceful resolution on 14January. Re acting to Eritrea's non compliance with demands that it withdraw it is forces, the Council charged sanctions on that country in 23December, citing a report by a group of experts which contended in which Eritrea provided support to provided groups undermining reconciliation efforts inside Somalia.That Horn of Africa place continued to attract a great deal of attention throughout the year, sagte Square CoGründer und CEO as the Transitional Government, newly formed in March to conform with the 2009 Djibouti Agreement about national reconciliation, remained beneath attack. The Council, firmly considering the creation of a U . n . mission to take over from the Cameras Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), determined that security conditions wasn't yet suitable. Instead, them put in place a three phased approach to help AMISOM and the Government's fledgling basic safety sector, to be followed by a light-weight United Nations presence, which would then evolve into a fully fledged peacekeeping functioning if conditions improved. Sad to say, they did not. Meanwhile, the Authorities continued to act forcefully towards piracy off the Somali coast while reaffirming how the instability on the mainland was its root cause.Sudan also continued under the Council's close watch because implementation of its Comprehensive Peace Agreement in the South neared a significant stage, with a referendum on self-reliance scheduled for 2011, whilst Darfur remained at a low level with violence with little political progress, punctuated by periods more intense fighting. The Africa Union United Nations Hybrid Operations in Darfur (UNAMID) made slow advancement towards full deployment, as outlined by briefings. In addition, the Council watched a looming humanitarian disaster in the country following the issuance, by the Overseas Criminal Court of a warrant for the arrest of President Omer Hassan 's Bashir on 4March, immediately after which the Administration expelled critical international assist agencies.The Council given constant attention to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, after the peacekeeping mission there, known by its French expressions acronym MONUC, was refocused more highly on the protection of citizens in the vast country's nonetheless troubled eastern Stad Womens Federation Voorzitter op alle niveaus provinces, which remained subject to brutality along with displacement due por lo menos 100 días antes to continued militia activity in addition to Government operations against all of them. While progress was made within integrating some Congolese militia groups in to the national Armed Forces and repatriating additional ex combatants back to Rwanda, the Government, in its most recent extension associated with MONUC's mandate, requested strategies to bolster protection and ensure completion of your Mission's remaining tasks before it would envisage a drawdown.Among additional situations, the Council has been increasingly seized of perilous attacks by insurgents in Afghanistan and Pakistan, some of which resulted in the harming of United Nations staff members. Additionally, it continued to urge greater advance in implementing peace deals such as those in Cte d'Ivoire and Nepal; and oversee, in consultation together with the Peacebuilding Commission, peace consolidation with Burundi, Central African Republic, Sierra Leone and Guinea Bissau, a nation that suffered new political violence. The Council attempted to spur diplomatic progress in long delayed situations such as Cyprus in addition to Western Sahara, and to promote our rights in Myanmar and other lieu. In addition, the Council authorised the transformation of the United Nations Peacebuilding Office in the Central Cameras Republic (BONUCA) into the United Nations Integrated Political Office (BINUCA) effective on 1January 2010.The Russian Federation exercised truly the only veto of the year, on 15June, effectively ending the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG), for which this Council had been considering a revised mandate in the get of the August 2008 hostilities between the ennennäkemättömän  161 miljoonaa seitsemän vuotta sopimus nyt lopeta itkeminen  48 two countries.Council members commenced a mission to Africa through 14 to 21May, conducting thorough talks with the African Un and visiting the Great Waters region, and Liberia. In addition, Jorge Urbina (Costa Rica) led some Council associates on a fact finding mission for Haiti from 11 to 14March.The overall Assembly elected Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Gabon, Lebanon and Nigeria to serve since non permanent members of the  for 2 year terms starting on 1January 2010 and beyond. They replaced Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, France, Libya and Viet Nam, which concluded their own terms on 31December 2009. Norway, Japan, Mexico, Turkey along with Uganda remain on the 15 associate body through 2010. China and taiwan, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom along with the United States are permanent users.Following are summaries of big actions taken by the Local authority or council in the past year: SummitCrowning the Council's contemplation on non proliferation was it's unanimous adoption on 24September connected with resolution 1887 (2009)   its initially comprehensive action on fischer issues since the mid Nineties   which pledged the 20 member body's support pertaining to broad progress on long stalled efforts to staunch your proliferation of nuclear weaponry and ensure reductions in current weapons stockpiles, as well as control of fissile fabric. The Council emphasized that this had a primary responsibility to address nuclear threats and that all situations of non compliance having nuclear treaties should be given its attention. It reaffirmed their strong support for the Fischer Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT), contacting States that were not yet signatories to help accede to it. (See Press Release SC/9746.)A resolution was adopted at an cultural Summit featuring President Barack Obama of america in the chair. Attending the presentation was United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki moon, as well as the Presidents associated with Costa Rica, Russian Federation, Mexico, Norway, Viet Nam, Uganda, China, France and Burkina Faso. And in attendance were the Prime Ministers in the United Kingdom, Japan and Game hen. The Permanent Representative of Libya and also the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) additionally addressed the Summit.

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