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发表于 2016-7-27 05:21:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Confirmed meningococcal death at Hunter hospital

A girl has died from meningococcal disease at a Hunter hospital. This is actually the second case of meningococcal disease within the Hunter New England region this coming year.

Close contacts of the woman have already been prescribed clearance antibiotics where there are reportedly no links between it and any previous cases.

"Meningococcal disease is extremely severe and the community needs to be on the alert because of its symptoms. If someone suspects meningococcal disease, they need to seek medical treatment immediately," Public ray ban sunglasses sale Health Physician, Dr David Durrheim said.

Approximately 10 per cent of patients with invasive meningococcal disease around australia die because of the infection. The first symptoms of meningococcal disease might include pain in the legs, cold hands and feet and abnormal skin colour.

Later symptoms can include high fever, headache, neck stiffness, dislike of bright lights, vomiting and nausea, a rash of reddish purple spots or bruises and drowsiness.

Babies with all the infection may be irritable, not feed properly and still have an abnormal cry.

"Meningococcal infection does not spread easily. It is spread by secretions through the nose and throat of an cheap oakley sunglasses person who is carrying it and close and prolonged contact can be pass it on," he explained.

"It does not seem to be spread through saliva or by sharing drinks, food or cigarettes."

Dr Durrheim stressed that while meningococcal disease could be serious, in most cases, early detection and treatment ended in a complete recovery.

Many instances of meningococcal disease are noticed in infants, young children, teenagers and the younger generation, although people of any age oakley sunglasses sale clearance can be infected.

Several strains of meningococcal bacteria cause disease nationwide. Previously the meningococcal C strain was common, however is now rare following a introduction of an vaccine on the National Immunisation Put in 2003. Other strains are currently the most common. This means that young people who may have had the meningococcal C vaccine should nevertheless be on the lookout for symptoms.

"The number of instances of this rare disease has been falling within the last 10 years due simply to the success of the meningococcal C vaccination program," Dr Durrheim said.

The meningococcal C vaccine is recommended for all babies at Twelve months of age.

Where suspected or confirmed meningococcal disease has been diagnosed, public dieticians will policy for information and clearance antibiotics being provided to close contacts, for example other members in the person's household. The purpose of clearance antibiotics is to eradicate any meningococcal bacteria the contacts may be carrying to prevent further transmission from the disease.

In 2015 there was nine confirmed cases of meningococcal disease from the Hunter Northeastern Local Health District. There are 11 confirmed cases in 2014, 11 confirmed cases in 2013, nine this year, 15 this year and 13 in 2010.

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