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发表于 2016-10-14 21:58:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Craaaaaaaaap. That pretty much sums up Government 16 Week 10 thus far. (Except for the "overwhelming" no so that you can apple pie/Team America diss, and Christine as well as Cody being called out by their families. Zing!) Week 13 just started, but on the Thursday, August 28 live show, Donny Thompson was evicted and Caleb Reynolds won Head of Household. Nowadays we have to panic for Nicole Franzel, arguably the last BB16 Houseguest worth rooting regarding.
So who will be evicted in Thursday, September 4, adhering to Joey, Paola, Devin, Brittany, Amber, Jocasta, Hayden, Nicole, Zach and Donny? It's going to be another double eviction, so . there's two chances for Nicole to be preserved or head back to jury.(See below for changes)
The "Sloppy the Snowman" Head of Household competition started when it comes to the end People éteindre le feu of the August 29 live show. Hearing "holla" all the time will be annoying, but hopefully anytime the HGs hear it they'll try to remember how Derrick put himself initial instead of fighting for the alliance. He also volunteered to become Have Not, but the HGs should take notice of how safe he was feeling and how he went for the bucks instead of continuing to fight exactly. Ultimately, Caleb won HOH, with Christine following him and Frankie behind the woman.
It's not great news, and not just simply because Caleb will surely put Nicole on the block. He will also probably gloat about how "Beast Manner Cowboy" won the endurance workers comp because he's such an wonderful beast, etc. Caleb is still close to Frankie, so Frankie might be safe. Caleb probably will nominate girls   most likely Nicole and Victoria, together with Christine as a backdoor option. Wouldn't it be great to see a big blindside move from him, but how likely is that?
The nomination ceremony will be held Exclusive afternoon (August 29), therefore come back here to see what happens. The Power of Veto competition will be held Saturday   and the POV win is actually key. The POV ceremony is going to be held Monday, giving united states the final nominations. The results of this few days will be announced next Thurs night, and then we do another very fast double eviction, which will ideally give us an exciting twist.
Head back here for all the updates along with head shaking, if the usual suspects do their normal thing. Cross your palms for Nicole to live to kill again!
UPDATE 1: A nomination ceremony will be held later today (Friday) but it seems like Caleb is going to put up Nicole and Christine. Thus Derrick may keep his animal Victoria safe for another week, although Christine is a member of The Detonators alliance. Regardless of whether Nicole or Christine win POV and Vic comes up, it's more likely the original nominee is going home. Here's hoping it is really Christine. He told his companions that Victoria would be the backdoor option if Nicole won Power of Veto, nonetheless he'd like to get rid of Victoria while in the double elimination. So their plan is to evict Nicole first, subsequently Victoria, all this coming Thursday. He wants The Bomb Squad to be the final five. Yet he doesn't even know about about The Detonators, of which he is not an affiliate. And he apparently doesn't understand that Derrick wants to keep Victoria around while his vote pet. Thus Victoria may still be safe, depending on exactly who becomes HOH for the double foreclosure. Hopefully Nicole can save herself having POV during tomorrow's (Saturday) rivalry. If she's safe, would they even en före detta EPA regionala råd nu med en advokatbyrå i Las Vegas 60 evict Victoria or turn on Christine? That is certainly fun to watch, so crossstitching your fingers that we reach cross that bridge. In the event that Nic doesn't win POV, she's likely to get the Donny est un regard vers lavenir»  53 treatment. And then precisely what   who will you root with regard to? Derrick? Caleb? . they can't say she does not win comps, when she needs to! But in all other respects, the following sucks. Now what? Will Victoria get higher and Nicole go out? We can still pray that "they" (HOH Caleb, but really Derrick) make use of this opportunity to go for a bigger goal, like Frankie. But Nicole is most likely adhering to Donny out the door. Dang it, world! In the event Nicole does go back to jury, the majority of the cameras in the BB house ought to follow her. The competitive HGs are too boring   let's follow The Jury Show with Donny, Zach, Nicole, Hayden and also Jocasta. Just return to the BB household for the finale, when Derrick benefits.
UPDATE 4: On Sunday afternoon, Caleb and Derrick had a speak aboutpotentially backdooring Frankie. Caleb made strong arguments included in the favor   put the social media mogul up against Nicole and send your pet home right away, before they can win more comps. Nicole, sadly, has proven she's not quite as good in different challenges as someone similar to Frankie, who could easily win the next HOH and do to Caleb exactly what he did to Zach. Derrick, in contrast, is subtly but most assuredly nudging Caleb toward making sure Nicole leaves now. Derrick doesn't think Frankie will come following Caleb, or at least that's what he's advertising. He's also playing the gender card, saying if they send Frankie home instead of Nicole, it's going to leave three girls vs .. two guys in the ambigu HOH comp. (Caleb would not be eligible to play.) As if Victoria and Christine would be on the same side. What Derrick isn't saying is that Nicole is the one person in the house who recognizes Derrick's electricity, so she is a major hazard to his Copfather dynasty. Caleb perhaps said he believes this individual personally can beat Derrick in the end. He's not sure that he may possibly beat Cody in the final not one but two, but he wouldn't be disappointed to sit next to him anyhow. That Derrick can keep a straight facial area in discussions like that is always to his credit, but it's not easy to root for him to keep steamrolling a house filled with people who simply don't get it. If Caleb does put up Frankie to be backdoored, maybe there's some actual game to generally be played with this group. Otherwise, it's just Derrick as 012 acquisition de City Screen Limited Boston Ron, guiding his zombies in anything direction he wants. Best for Derrick, but how is that good TV for us? And what happens if perhaps Derrick does eventually get evicted, that would you even want to win?
Up-date 5:Eek. Nicole may have picked the incorrect time to make a pitch to help Frankie. Also on Sunday day, Nicole talked to Frankie about doing whichever he and Caleb want, after they put up a bigger target adjacent to her this week. She's prepared to work with them, believing "them" to become solid two man alliance. But oy   if only she realized Caleb was seriously considering backdooring Frankie she had make that pitch to Caleb, not Ariana's brother. If Frankie operates this idea back to Caleb . what will Caleb carry out, when his two choices seem to be to target Frankie or Nicole? Nevertheless, it looks like Frankie doesn't think the objective is feasible. It's in his benefit for Nicole to leave so why would he make a deal with her (until he knew he appeared to be the other target and desired to save himself from the block)? Caleb is probably just going to put Victoria next to Nicole and everyone will political election out Nicole, but we'll find what happens in tomorrow's (Monday) Veto meeting.
UPDATE 6: Youtube posted the video below showing a sick discussion held in the home when Big Brother gave the team liquor. Christine tells Cody not to "make love" to help virgin Victoria, since she's "very feisty" as well as he'll be drunk, nevertheless Frankie suggests Cody and Caleb double team the drunk girl along with "take all of her virginities in one day." Frankie, Christine, Caleb, Cody and Derrick all ruse about it, which is our sexual assault culture in action. Rape humor are hilarious, right?
UPDATE 7: After spending a good chunk of Sunday night debating whether to backdoor Frankie or evict Nicole, Caleb, Cody and Derrick concluded on the easy watered down bland vanilla flavouring decision to evict Nicole. They know Nicole doesn't have a allies in the house, they know she's Christine and Frankie as her primary targets, and they know the lady can't win comps even when the woman needs to. But still   she's apparently this huge threat to them. So if Christine took herself off the block on Monday, September A single, Victoria went up in her place. It's now officiallyNicole vs. Victoria and Nicole will be evicted. Once again, The Bro Team almost made a big transfer, then decided not to. Way to continue to keep that bar low, fellas!
UPDATE 8: Nicole was evicted, again, by another single vote. Hopefully the game contains a major shakeup when Julie gets the reset button or perhaps whatever. We also have that two times eviction tonight.
UPDATE On the lookout for: Christine, who had stabbed Nicole in the back, observed Nic out the door. That had to be pleasing for Nic. Christine was voted out and about, unanimously, in the second increase eviction of the season. Victoria is now the last girl in the house. Fitting pertaining to such a frat boy season. See what happens in Week 14 over here.
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