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发表于 2016-7-21 11:02:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Greta Van Susteren Slams Her Own Colleagues With Trump Manager's Removal

There's just so much wrong with Greta Van Susteren's short-sighted, selective outrage at the 16 conservative women pundits who may have called for Donald Trump's campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, being fired.

In the "Off The Record" commentary, Van Susteren said these:

VAN SUSTEREN: A media scrum around a presidential candidate, Mr . trump, with routine pushing and shoving, ended having an allegation of a crime. Now, whatever happened from the scrum   and I don't even think the video or eyewitness statement is convincing   this incident never must have ended up like a crime. It will have ended with the apology.

I'm referring to "Grab gate" or "Pinch gate," anything you want to call it. Reporter Michelle Fields, in a scrum around Donald Trump, trying to get an audio bite from him, was grabbed, pinched, causing bruising. She said Trump's campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, did it intentionally. Yes, naturally, grabbing someone accidentally or perhaps intentionally just isn't so nice ray ban sunglasses sale but is that this one a crime? Plus, make sure you remember, court dockets already are so overcrowded. And now, it has been blown up even more. Sixteen women in media   some reporters, some analysts   signing directions calling knockoff oakleys on Trump to fireside Lewandowski.

It's Trump's Effort To Stifle The Press, Not The Grabbing That Matters

Van Susteren could well be right until this incident should have ended in an apology. But in her effort to restore sound like Fields and her supporters are hysterically over reacting, Van Susteren somehow overlooked the principle issue, which is Trump campaign's literal strong arming from the press (and Fields isn't first) with its brutish, sexist behavior toward Fields.

As Megyn Kelly highlighted just a couple of hours later on Fox, the Trump campaign has engaged in a systematic effort to discredit Fields. First, they attacked her as having composed the incident. Then, when the video arrived showing that they had been grabbed, they started accusing her for being a threat to Trump, even though the Secret Service didn't think so. That, Kelly pointed out, was an endeavor to gaslight and intimidate her.

Kelly also noted that Lewandowski had threatened her in the call to Fox. That happened and was developed public in January.

Why didn't Van Susteren mention this pattern of Trump behavior toward the press? Let's remember that Fields, an ancient Fox News contributor, is often a former colleague as well.

Putting aside the issue of Lewandowski's criminal guilt or innocence, the professional means for Trump to have handled the incident would have been to immediately and dispassionately consider what happened then once Lewandowski was charged, remove him from your campaign prior to the criminal investigation is finished.

It's more than puzzling that Van Susteren apparently thought all that irrelevant. Instead, she took to suggest the 16 women had committed some type of journalistic malpractice:

VAN SUSTEREN: ray ban sale online A couple of things: One, Lewandowski hasn't even stood a trial and they are generally calling for his head. Yes, they've tried and convicted him. It might be a hard sell for each of these women now covering ray ban sunglasses discount sale this election to express she's fair.

If you can stop poking fun at a Fox News host complaining about anyone else's insufficient objectivity, especially coveringDonaldTrump, Van Susteren's concern trolling is much more ridiculous. For starters, each of the women are openly conservative. For another, where has Van Susteren's concern been when Fox trotted out Mark Fuhrman as being a supposedly neutral analyst to discuss Ferguson protests? When Dick Morris was presented for years as a "former Clinton advisor" without advising viewers which he virulently hates them?

As for convicting before trial, Hillary Clinton hasn't even been charged over her emails and Fox repeatedlysuggestsshe'son thewayto jail. And, she's beencleared of wrongdoing over Benghazi, but Fox actsas though she were convicted.

Occur, Greta, I can't believe you don't know better than this.

What's even more disturbing? Some day after she threw her colleagues under the bus and only Trump, it was announced that Van Susteren will hold a special town hall with him on Sunday, one day before the Wisconsin primary. We can hope she'll press him for this issue but I am not holding my breath.

Watch Van Susteren below, from the March 30 On The Record, and The Kelly File's response later that very same night. In case a Republican makes a comment whether that comment has any truth for it, then it is news! If you have any deep reading going on in her office, it appears it definitely not when considering being ready for her show. I don go to whichever evidence of being done that goes beyond GOP talking points. She was the sole reason why I even bothered to watch FOX, and after this, well, that doesn happen a lot. The only information she cares to give her vIewers comes from the mouth of conservatives because she claims these are the only those who will come for my child show!

I do think Greta own personal views have undergone a change in the however several years now that she been at Fox. She was not ever a liberal, really a centrist at best, and she or he been immersed inside the echo chamber such a long time, I suspect she not fully up to speed Trump political views but doesn think they as horrifying as we do. I sure never heard her argue or test their boundaries with him once when she was speaking with him virtually every week at 10:00. Greta, in terms of i can tell, doesn read much past the stuff her producers toward her. I heard her assert that was long since widely and incredibly publicly corrected/debunked or clarified in multiple media days earlier, yet she was not aware of it. She just wants to talk about doing on this or that issue, but she very clearly hasn so clearly means reading backlinks her producers think fit to send her.

I quite definitely doubt any Fox producer gives their show anything that calls into question the party line, whether it that line has been shown factually false. Allow for any shreds of doubt inside, after all. I suspect this really is even more of a guide with Greta, who isn a reliable ideologue. Keeping her as ignorant as you can is the better tactic.

Van Susteren has got the lowest ratings among her prime time colleagues at FOX. When she pulls stunts similar to this ( trolling it is all about getting her name out. This can be deliberate and he or she knows better. Certainly with Ellen that Greta personal political views varies from Trumps, but there is definitely a friendship there and yes it appears that it getting in the way of her doing what's right. She just makes things worse when she tries to convince us that she is going to seek advice during the Town Hall that don draw attention to her! She gets already done that! Done! I take advantage of to post on her blog to attempt to offer some diversity information, but I so over that now!

I so glad Hillary has chosen to convey away from FOX interviews!

Thank you, Carole S. It took me a while to get the time to try this but it was one oakley sunglasses wholesale of those things that would have been a post to me.

Jane S, you happen to be right that Greta can be a long time Trump toady. However, I have not had the feeling she will abide by his politics, just that she likes him. Regardless, it's simply inexcusable for her to suck up to him on his horrible, sexist behavior not simply toward a reporter but to her colleague.

She said in her own The Record commentary tonight that her only agenda for the Trump town hall is information to the viewers. If she doesn challenge him good and hard on his treatment of Fields and Kelly, she'll lose almost any respect I ever had for her (not just a huge amount however some).

I was just wondering a few days ago if you were gonna report on this. Van Susteren also loved her blog and wrote the women, obviously shown discount oakley sunglasses outlet cheap their bias. I truly did have a good laugh over that comment! What was she thinking? I would also like to include that her producers also ran using the ridiculous statement by WAPO that 187 FBI agents have already been called to research the email scandal. It can be absolutely false! Will she walk any particular one back and correct her reporting? I do believe not!

Good post!

Understand that Greta was a while defense attorney, an orientation people never appear to lose. Equally as Nancy Grace would have been a prosecutor, and will lose that until proven innocent world view.

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