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发表于 2016-9-23 21:12:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
By Cy Ryan (contact)
Thursday, Feb.
CARSON CITY   Building a 75 foot tall wind turbine beside a quiet subdivision is a annoying because, in part, it damages the scenery and creates racket, the Nevada Supreme Court has ruled.
The court, in a final decision by Justice Jim Hardesty, claimed the turbine would in addition cause "shadow flicker," a alternating pattern of light plus dark shadows occurring if your blades rotate in the sun.
Rick Sowers wanted the windmill to produce energy to his home in the Washoe Valley. But the Woodland Hills subdivision and citizens Ann and Karl Hill filed suit and secured an injunction from Washoe Center Court Judge Brent Adams.
The court cited the law that a nuisance "is anything at all which is injurious to wellness, or indecent and offensive towards the senses, or an obstruction to your free use of property, so that you can interfere with the comfortable fun of life or residence."
While stopping design of the turbine, it documented that, "We do not believe that wind turbines are severe interferences in any circumstances."
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Only trusted testamonials are displayed on this page. Untrusted comments currently have expired from this story. FlagMassachusetts is certainly going through the same thing . Commercial wind flow turbnes placed hundreds an oder vor dem Ablaufzeitpunkt geltenden of feet by residential homes !
The Ma Constitution affirms the pride and equality of all men and women. It forbids the creation of subsequent class citizens. Yet, while in the mad rush to implement green energy policies, the state of Boston is creating a second category group of citizens through the bad siting of commercial wind turbines. The Falmouth Pick out Board has stepped up towards the plate for all the citizens associated with Massachusetts. Falmouth spent almost $400,1,000.00 on talks amongst abutters and public officials as well as twenty six meetings. The installation of business oriented megawatt turbines shows la OMI Si bien es difícil negar que Sky Valley probablemente es compellingly that the signs and illnesses called Turbine Syndrome and Vibro Acoustic Condition are caused by exposure. This is the lower frequency noise from the significant megawatt turbines in residential places. The state noise regulations have been written in the 1970s some time before wind turbine installations. The Massachusetts Model Bylaws written in the Nineties by the state of Massachusetts were being written for 660 Killowatt turbines.
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