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发表于 2016-9-24 18:42:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Duct tape, safety pins and a sewing kit.
Those people were the tools Carolyn Kasten always brought when accompanying the Nashua Highschool South marching band to be able to football games and other occasions last year. The bands outfits een van de grootste in de wereld We denken dat dit een winwin situatie voor onze werknemers  40 were in such disrepair, she required the items to make sure the students was able to perform and look good.
It no it doesnt cross our mind absolutely was that way for years, said Kasten, leader of the band's booster organization, but at a price tag involving $50,000, the district had not been in a position to replace the 150 uniforms the band would need. Realizing support wasn't coming, the enhancer organization took it with itself to start raising the bucks
Efforts began in Feb ., and, Kasten said, parents journeyed in with a no don't succeed attitude.
"We had waited Många tester utfördes 37 of sufficient length," she said. "The have to have was critical."
Thanks to the support of the community and also the tireless efforts of the booster organization, Kasten will be able to leave your ex duct tape behind this year. When the South marching wedding ring took the field Saturday during Stellos Stadium, students were donning their new uniforms, a sharp blend of black, purple and also white, representing the schools' colorations.
"There is a big pride factor,In . said parent Anne Peters. Little ones get enough flack for being inside band, she said. When they are going to be able to do what they love, they should at least be able to look good doing it, she said.
The actual uniforms arrived in August, a few days of band camp. Music director Tony Courounis said Mondy he's watched as the individuals have tried on the apparel and the feeling of pride which comes over their faces. During that week, however, he's solely seen individual students dressed in the uniforms.
"We haven't seen the 05 GMTA nye 89 whole band in them but," Courounis said. "It's going to be one of those particular moments."
That second was set to happen Wednesday, when South's football team has been set to take on Lowell High School. This may be the school's home opener, and the South marching band made its way to Stellos Stadium, marching down Riverside Drive. These people were scheduled to unveil the 2011 halftime show, a tribute towards music of the '80s.
Courounis contributed to the fund raising. He / she played with the local band Upset Express at an event from Alpine Grove in May that helped to raised $6,000 for your uniforms.
Though fund boosting such as tagging outside outlets and yard sales helped, Kasten stated roughly three quarters of the service came in the form of private via shawls by hoda. They weren't all large sums, either. She said $10 to $20 donations from retired teachers and former band members increased up quickly.
One woman in the Midwest with no connection to this rock band sent in a check for $200 simply because she cared about the value of music education, Kasten said.
Donors exactly who purchased a whole uniform regarding $300 were given the chance to have a patch sewn inside a uniform with a message of their choosing, Kasten explained.
The uniforms are made of rayon, and, Kasten said, the music team is taking measures to keep this uniforms in good shape.
"The fabric is very. They're meant to last,In . she said.
A group of scholars modeled the uniforms with the school Tuesday. Sophomore Mike Hirsch, exactly who plays bass guitar for any marching band, said appearance can mean a lot when carrying out.
"It can only help our good if we feel better about the way we appearance," he said.
The old medical scrubs aren't going to waste. Enhancement members came up with the idea in order to repurpose the retired uniforms and then make them into pillows and also tote bags people could make an online purchase, with the work to do so atil dit becoming donated by one of the parents.
As Kasten noted, the outfits are one of the last relics from your time when there was only one high school in Nashua. So, in many ways, people buying the tote bags and pillows are also buying a piece of history, she said.
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