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发表于 2016-9-28 19:39:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
He was born in Goshen, New york city in 1958 and, after existing all over the United States and Europe, moved back there around 1992. He is a high classes dropout who in 1977 received a equivalency diploma (HEY, IT'S Appropriate!) He attended SUNY in Middletown, New york and in 1986 studied journalism on the New School in Ny city.He is the recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom and features worked as a truck driver, a radio DJ, and a metal worker. OK, he didn't Truly receive the Presidential Medal of Flexibility, but he DID get some type of ribbon of sorts after he was in the Cub Scouts. He is the actual inventor of Cheez Whiz and also lives off the royalties on the revenue of that fine product. He or she loves children and minor baby duckies.FULL DISCLOSURE: He did not really invent Cheez Whiz. No, of which wasn't Josef Goebbels who uttered that speaking atrocity. It really was an American homeowner, working out of the White Dwelling.One hundred years from now whenever historians are struggling to create a clever tag for the periods in which we now live, Now i am almost certain that the brand "Karl Rove" will be connected with it in some manner. I can see it now: "The Age of Rove" or possibly "The Rovian Period". The man will be kept in ca 3 bis 4 Minuten pro Seite  68 mind as being as much of a melanoma on the body politic of his era as Joe McCarthy is recalled being during the time of McCarthyism. Political results for people like Rove comes only by means of lies and distortion. These are unable to campaign based on the value of their ideas because the actions are atrocious. That is why governmental operators like Rove and the later Lee Attwater are so valuable towards the agenda of the extreme appropriate wing. They are (or in Lee's event were) the miracle workers who are able to tell the voters that the sun is shinning at midnight. Somehow they always get enough of the gullible to imagine them.By the way, I should observe here that as he rest dying, Lee Attwater begged God to forgive him with regard to his entire political job. I wonder if Karl Rove will have a identical deathbed conversion. I can't wait to determine. I'm sorry, that's cruel. Fork out it no mind."Let me reside 'neath your spellDo do that voodoo that you do so well"Rove is out there this year, doing this voodoo that he does so well. Seeing that Mitt Romney's campaign continues to implode   for no other reason than the indisputable fact that he insists on conversing   the Republicans need a dit M Brooks Rove above they ever did. Busting Barack Obama ain't gonna be effortless, that's for sure, but don't forget that this could be the genius (and I use in which word sincerely) who masterminded this successful campaigns of the one half witted frat boy from Crawford, Texas with 2000 and 2004. Your dog was Anne Sullivan to George W. Bush's Helen Keller. Or perhaps a greater metaphor would be Edgar Bergen to Bush's Charlie McCarthy.2012 may be the dirtiest campaign in residing memory   possibly in history. The final Court's horrible Citizens United 5 FEC decision of January The new year will de ønsker at få hævn ved at gøre det samme see to that. We've at this moment entered a whole new area completely. Think of it as an electoral Wild To the west. Everyone and everything is today fair game with no want you to be held accountable. The money that is pumped into a campaign is already virtually unlimited. As long as Folks United remains the law from the land, the left during this country (what's left of it) are going to be fighting the good fight with your hands tied behind their backside.Strange days indeed.We a little preview of the GOP's paralyzing effect this week when word released that they were going to bring back for an issue   WAIT FOR IT   this Reverend Jeremiah Wright. You might remember (then again you do not remember) that he was a pastor of a Chicago community center that Barack Obama was able to attend. During the campaign associated with 2008, Wright was busted on the videotape using "inflammatory", "anti American" rhetoric. Lots of what he said was misquoted. "God damned America" was translated by the proper wing scream machine seeing that "God damn America". It didn't matter. Prospect Obama swiftly disassociated himself via Reverend Wright and the issue just as easily evaporated. Crisis resolved? Not so fast!Desperate times call for desperate measures as they say. The Republican propaganda machine decided to bring your Jeremiah Wright issue out of mothballs and give the idea another chance just for outdated times sake   that is before New York Times got word of it. Within a matter of hours it became apparent just how stupid an idea it was. Mitt Romney has Con la ACA sobre nosotros 18 a delightful temptation to throw anything the guy can against the wall to see what is going to stick. Even he disassociated themselves from the idea.The Karl Rove playbook is a thing else. This is why I think he or she is a political Einstein. It is successful against all odds. Attack the opposition's strength   not its weaknesses. He used it from Al Gores masterly knowledge of governance around 2000 ("POLICY WONK!") He tried it against John Kerry's military history in 2004 (Remember the swiftboat veterans for "truth"?) Somehow he'll be able to use twenty six straight months of job growth against Barack Obama.They already have half of the continent believing that the president created the economic catastrophe he grew up honing. Isn't life strange?Past summer in an effort to make Barack obama look bad, the Republicans seemed intent on refusing to boost the debt ceiling, something that they have always voted for in the past, jeopardizing America's credit rating in the process. And they mysteriously backed off, making it possible for the debt ceiling to rise devoid of further debate on the make any difference. What's up with that??? Here's what's going on:Some genius (and I make use of that word sarcastically) among them almost certainly realized that the debt ceiling fiasco would probably hurt the prez a great deal more in an election year. The truth that it will Das Gateway ist nun in den Prozess neue Beleuchtung zu installieren also hurt untold an incredible number of Americans is irrelevant to them. To remain demonstrating for over a century that they don't give a damn concerning the well being of the people they're sworn to be able to represent. Wait until midsummer's nightmare. My prediction (and it's a pretty educated just one) is that this time they'll follow their guns and do not allow the debt ceiling to raise, irreparably harming the president   and the American people.And the cycle will only go on. As long as this country keeps delivering the plutocracy's handmaidens to Washington such overwhelming numbers, we'll need used to living in a country throughout ruins. This is the way it's going to be from here on   or at least until we wake the fuck right up.Wake the fuck in place.I used to think that Obama's reelection would have been a sure thing. Now I'm not too confident. The Grand Old Celebration is willing to destroy this country as a way to obtain and retain electrical power. They'll stop at nothing to obtain those ends   even if there isn't anything left for them to govern. Hence sit back and have some popcorn handy. This is gonna have REALLY interesting.
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