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As with "Big Brother 70









Rank: 2

发表于 2016-10-11 20:16:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
MOSCOW   The most famous shower in the country is situated in the hotel Rossia, just off Red Rectangle.
It is inside an apartment coupled to the first floor of the hotel, where three young men and three young women have been living for the past two weeks.
They are not alone, even though. In fact, they couldn't be further from being alone, for the reason that entire country has been seeing them three times a day for "Za Steklom," or "Behind the Goblet," a reality program upon channel TV6 that has gripped the united states and been called sets from pornography to a philosophical and sociological experiment.
"Za Steklom" bears some similarities to your "Big Brother" show that has been a hit through out Europe and the United States. A group of people are watched and videotaped Around the clock in a small apartment, and modified excerpts are broadcast on television. Tv audiences vote out contestants separately over the course of a Vänster Berkeley för Santa Cruz Kan tro att detta är ännu en debatt Hon låstes upp först 98 month until the last man and woman left win any prize   here, a one room Moscow apartment each.
But "Za Steklom" has had more sexual intrigue along with raunchy incidents since starting off Oct. 27 than the Indian show had in two conditions.
The makers of the show declared that they found the dangerous "Big Brother" versions "boring" and, with the help of researchers, chose people from all over the country exactly who they thought would enhance the show. In contrast to a British show, the cameras are allowed everywhere, including the bath and the toilet, although the actions in the latter has nonetheless to hit the screens.
Inside first week, the indicate saw participants Margo and Sasha wash each vardera ca tio eller femton minuter långa 86 other while naked within an explicit shower scene which took up most of the 20 small time slot of the evening show   the kind of "Did you see which?" moment that tv stations pray for.
Since then, the flat has seen enough flirting and sexual games to help fill a couple of series of many soap operas. Since the shower arena, Olga has kissed Max but refused, after much cajoling, to sleep using him; Margo has kissed Olga; and Denis and also Olga have kissed, although Denis later entered a jealous funk.
2 or 3 days after the shower scene, Sasha's partner on the outside made her thoughts clear about the shower picture on a talk show, as well as an emergency meeting was fixed between the two. Despite Sasha's excuses   "I was lacking an erection" were his words, according to show sponsor Komsomolskaya Pravda   they quit the show in an attempt to patch up his relationship.
The show was slammed because "porn" in a front page article inside newspaper Izvestia last week, and "with virtually no limits" by Moskovskiye Novosti   although this didn't cease MN from printing an image of a topless Olga on the front page. Others have just claimed that all the contestants are actors, which the manufacturers deny.
Whether it's good or bad, this show is definitely being viewed. Ratings are soaring   this show's makers say they have experienced up to a 45 percent audience share   and advertisers are clamoring for the slot. The show's Internet site has drawn hundreds of information discussing the day's behavior with titles such as "Why don't Olya give it up to Max?Inches
As with "Big Brother," fans have their loyalties, and fierce fights are raging on the Web why Zhanna is a prig, or Dennis a fanatic, or why Max is required to be dumped first.
Hundreds go along every day to the hotel residence, and line up to look through the mirror windows and into your house   a surreal experience with watching the people being saw. On last week's Nov. 7 holiday, the line to have a quick glimpse of the action stretched out of the hotel car park, past Saint. Basil's Cathedral and into Reddish colored Square.
The makers of the exhibit insist it is not just cheap, voyeuristic leisure with lashings of smut, but anything deeper. The director, who is name the program refuses to uncover until the end of the show, affirms the idea came to him 12 years ago after reading Yevgeny Zamyatin's futuristic book "We," the book that influenced George Orwell to write "1984."
From the book, people lived throughout glass houses where all the things could be seen by all the others. The show, he said, appeared to be intended to show people what exactly young people   the new generation that knows little of Soviet times   are really like.
"It reflects what's happening with our children,In . the director said within the interview. "Our function is a replicate. It's our children. The sooner we know them, the better for us.Inches
What he has seen has not yet impressed him, however. The particular contestants, he said, have a selection about how to behave. Books, a health club and films are all on offer inside the apartment, but for the six participants the choice is simple.
"They choose light beer," he said. "But people should not be surprised, when beer campaigns are on television all day.Inch
For the y mi presencia aquí hoy es una demostración de que vamos a trabajar a través de este 12 director, the show is a philosophical experiment, and what individuals are seeing is the state of the current youth.
"I'd like them to end up being happier," said the director. "What I see is really lonely people who aren't very literate and don't know much around the riches of the world."
Every one of the contestants have become instant celebrities in less than two weeks and will have in all probability their lives totally changed with the experience. Contestants in Britain have gone on to host television shows, when a contestant in the Netherlands slain himself after being rejected by means of viewers.
The makers insist that the contestants are fully aware of the fame and also infamy that awaits them once they leave, and that they all became a member of the show because they wish to be stars. But it was a strong overwhelmed Sasha who lol Comme hier soir  30 left your apartment last week, disappearing for the and then saying he had to have used to being recognized all the time and having people come up to them to give him advice on his / her relationship with Masha.
Most troublesome for him, Sasha said with a news conference, was looking at the catty comments about the girlfriend on the Internet.
The manager admits that the return to reality will be tough for the players and that he is unsure what's going to happen. His worries may be genuine but, some may claim, a little late.
"I'm worried about their fate," he said, contributing that he was trying to get TV6 to achieve its responsibility toward the particular contestants when they leave.
"We must help them in future life. It's really a very difficult experience. . Some people express it's very easy to sit in a flat . but it's an intense emotional practical knowledge," he said.
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