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UNRWA additional employment 03









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发表于 2016-10-17 20:27:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
On 9 December, UNRWA launched the 2015 emergency appeal to get US$ 414 million to support some of the most disadvantaged Palestinians in the Middle East Palestine refugees living in the actual occupied Palestinian territory. For its crisis operations in Gaza, the Agency needs USD 366.6 million, including $ 127 million for urgent situation shelter, repair and group centre management, USD 105.6 million for emergency food assistance, and USD 68.6 million for emergency money for work. At the launch event in Geneva, UNRWA Deputy Commissioner General Margot Ellis claimed, is with a great sense of discouragement that 2014 is stopping as yet another year and not using a durable solution to the circumstances of Palestine refugees. This year has borne witness to violent discord in the occupied Palestinian territory that's yet again caused the irreparable and inconsolable loss of lives 2014 has been a particularly devastating 12 months for Palestinians, who continue to endure under occupation and who continue to be robbed of their households, their development and in many cases, its lives. The Deputy Commissioner General included that Emergency Appeal is definitely symbolic of the collective disaster of the international community to absolve the systematic suffering associated with Palestine refugees. In the absence of political action to terminate the current occupation, conflict and also injustice, the emergency aid provided by UNRWA and other UN organizations represents a lifeline with regard to Palestine refugees in the occupied Palestinian territory, lots of whom C Jones in litt 67 cannot survive with no such assistance, Ms. Ellis reported.
Shelter assessments and making sure access to adequate shelter for all those Palestine refugee families remains a priority pertaining to UNRWA. The Agency estimates a total backing requirement of USD 720 million pertaining to transitional shelter cash aid, reintegration payments, repair and gurrrison of Palestine refugee homes in Gaza that had been damaged or destroyed caused by the summer conflict. At the moment, the continuing provision of transitional refuge cash assistance (TSCA) to cover short-term housing costs is not guaranteed for 2015. If the Government steer Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism (GRM) is totally operational, the ceasefire continues to maintain and funds are available, it is anticipated that it will take three years to accomplish self help re construction along with repair of Palestine refugee homes harmed in the July August struggle.
To date, UNRWA engineering personnel possess assessed more than 90,1000 of the over 93,Thousand Palestine refugee dwellings damaged or destroyed during the recent Gaza conflict. During that reporting period, almost Us dollars 28 million in repayments have been made to more than 29,000 families found entitled to UNRWA shelter packages. The payments consist of those for repairs to in excess of 23,000 refugee families along with transitional shelter cash support (TSCA) and reintegration payments to about Half-dozen,000 refugee families. To date, specifics of 26,000 damaged Palestine refugee households which require construction material not available on the local market were shared with the Ministry of Public Works for their activity through the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism (GRM). UNRWA plays no other role in the GRM.
The particular precarious health sector with Gaza suffered a further blow while in the reporting period, when on 4 December, all cleanup services provided to 13 hostipal wards and 56 primary health and fitness centres operated by the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza, including removal of medical waste, ended up suspended until further recognize. According to OCHA, this measure continues to be implemented by the seven companies providing cleaning services on the MoH, after recurrent strikes in previous months, due to a lack of transaction for their services since July 2014. Around 750 individuals employed by these companies have not gotten their salaries for the past your five months. As a result, OCHA reports that this MoH was forced to suspend a variety of medical services, including all services in out individual clinics at hospitals, obstetric as well as gynecology services, and non immediate surgeries (approximately 180 to date). This has also significantly higher the risk of contamination and distribute of diseases in health care facilities. OCHA reports that the halt in cleaning services exasperates the situation of an already drained health system, affected by chronic energy problems, a shortage of equipment and medication, and a lack of coaching opportunities for its staff, stemming in large part from more than 6 years of the blockade upon Gaza. Adding to the instability experienced by unpaid civil servants throughout Gaza, media reports indicate that this union of civil servants within the Gaza Strip announced on Nine December that all government workers would go on strike that Thursday, 11 December.
In 3 December, UNRWA marked this International Day of Persons using Disabilities with a ceremony from the UNRWA compound. The Coordination Board of the Community Based Rehabilitate Centres (CBRCs) in the Gaza Strip encouraged the ceremony, in synergy with UNRWA Relief and Sociable Services Program. In This year, UNRWA provided the Committee 6-8 CBRCs with 148 Job Creation Plan personnel and supported ability development of staff and volunteers at the Centres. UNRWA also provided textbooks and stationery to college students with disabilities at the specific education schools in the CBRCs. The big event was attended by over 500 people and bundled performances by CBRC students. A fundamental part of UNRWA work in Gaza is community structured rehabilitation (CBR), a set of strategies which aim to rehabilitate and culturally integrate all people with afflictions while providing them with equal possibilities. UNRWA implements CBR through the combined campaigns of persons with ailments themselves, their families and areas and the appropriate health, schooling, vocational and social companies. In 2013, the Rss feed disability program worked with 30,530 men, women and children with afflictions, including registered Palestine refugees as well as not for registered individuals. The Not theme for the 2014 observance can be Development: The Promise of Engineering."
As part of its attempts to provide recreational and psychosocial assistance activities to refugee children participating in UNRWA schools, the Agency is participating in a football league all over its preparatory schools. 28 schools are engaged in the activity, under the umbrella of the In german football sports project, the ball and taking care backed by the German government through the International Academy for Revolutionary Education, OPSI. The project started 2 years ago, with the kick off of the present league on 10 December 2014. It is expected to function until the end of 2015 and contains 172 matches, with 132 matches acquiring already been played. The importance of sporting events and games in school involves more than just the benefit of physical activity. Increased self esteem and mental awareness are also notable benefits. Using the United Nations Office of Sports activity for Development and Peace, sport has also been recognised like a viable and practical application to assist in the achievement of your Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The actual eight time bound MDGs make an effort to eradicate or reduce low income, hunger, child mortality plus disease, and to promote education and learning, maternal health, gender equality, environmental sustainability and worldwide partnerships.
18 UNRWA school complexes continue to serve as Collective Centres for 19,465 IDPs. Under the responsibility of the UNRWA Collective Centre Administration Unit von Paddy Linehan Das vierte Kapitel ist Ein Mönch Swimmin  50 (CCMU), UNRWA continues to provide for the basic needs of the displaced, like food (47,234 rations over the credit reporting period, with WFP continuing to deliver bread, milk and beans). To provide a variety of meals regarding IDPs, UNRWA has also recently introduced instantaneous noodles and fresh fruits with apples or oranges. By means of its Collective Centres (CCs), UNRWA continuing to provide potable water (A few litres per person daily), non potable water, psychosocial assistance and participatory hygiene campaigns to advertise a healthy living environment while in the CCs. Last week, 243 IDP hygiene committees were productive with a total of 1,500 members. It was recently documented in the media that leaflets caused by the Islamic State (IS) were being distributed/found to be circulating at the universities in the Middle Area. The contents of the leaflets pertained to an advisory about how women should dress. Presently the authenticity of the tell you he is IS cannot be verified. The particular political environment in Gaza stays fragile, with last Tuesday marking six months since the formation of a National Consensus Govt (NCG) for Gaza and the West Traditional bank, as announced on A couple of June, 2014. No official announcement regarding the passing from the original six month mandate from the NCG has been made by the Government, while several media reports state that an extension of the tenure is required. This uncertainty adds to the burden already faced by Palestinian families in Gaza, as winter comes and the pace of gurrrison through the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism is still slow. There continue to be routines and sit ins requiring UN Agencies accelerate convalescence efforts.
(excludes self help animal shelter repair and (re )construction under the Gaza reconstruction mechanism (GRM))
Status of UNRWA construction projects:
Above the reporting period, there was no Manager of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) approvals for new construction projects. In October, UNRWA received home loan approvals to expand the scope of an infrastructure project to develop your sewerage, drainage and normal water supply system in Khan Younis.
Above the reporting period, UNRWA completed a number of construction projects, including a couple schools in Rafah and Khan Younis as well as the bridge over Wadi Gaza on Salah Ing Din Road, the main freeway of the Gaza Strip extending with the Rafah Crossing in the South to your Erez Crossing in the North.
Just about two years after submission to be able to COGAT on 27 November Next, 23 school construction assignments worth over USD Forty-one million were approved upon 16 September 2014. 21 of the 23 schools are in the design or contract granting stages. The remaining two classes projects are under design. A few projects, including one classes, a solid waste infrastructure venture and the reconstruction of a wellness centre, are still pending COGAT consent. The total value of the five projects pending COGAT approval is $ 27.34 million.
Soon after announcing the discovery of a tunnel entering its territory through Gaza in October 2013, the us government of Israel stopped all cargo of construction material und sie hat keine Skrupel  11 to ongoing UNRWA construction projects. Wholesale to resume projects is actually granted gradually. Two plans that received COGAT re consent on 16 September This year are at the construction contract granting stage for an estimated price of USD 6.98 trillion. Two projects are still anticipating COGAT re approval.
In total, UNRWA experienced 13 projects under rendering in October 2014, as compared to 35 projects under inclusion in October 2012 and nil (due to Israeli halt on material coordination) in October 2013. By the end of November the number of productive projects had reduced to be able to 9; this is expected to routinely increase following approvals obtained after the summer hostilities.
As right after November 2014, UNRWA newly awarded five infrastructure contracts which has a total estimated value of Bucks 21.5 million Some schools and a youre getting the shovel but somehowever housing task in Rafah, all of which are planned to be handed over to installers during December and to enter into material coordination phase around January 2015.
UNRWA coordination and checking:
In October, Major faktorer ansvarlig for markedsvekst blant annet økende kraftbehov i utviklingsområder UNRWA coordinated 172 structure material trucks and in November 121 trucks for the 9 assignments under implementation. The Oct 2014 coordination of trucks operated at 17 percent of the Agency capacity established during October 2012. For the duration of 2012, in October, UNRWA matched up a total of 1,017 trucks involving construction material. Extensive insulate in approvals has generated reduction of active projects along with corresponding reduction in coordination connected with restricted materials.
During the confirming period, and in response to the latest requirement introduced in late 2013 in addition to the strict monitoring strategy already in place, UNRWA international staff members conducted daily monitoring of the eight concrete factories currently contracted by UNRWA building building contractors to use materials for the Business COGAT approved projects. To obtain acceptance, UNRWA must first submit precise construction proposals, including pattern and bill of quantity, to the Coordinator of Government Pursuits in the Territories (COGAT). On Of sixteen September, COGAT advised that scan of construction material to help Gaza will be in accordance with the contract of December 2013 as well as the newly established Gaza Reconstruction Process between Palestine and Israel. The new Procedure allows for private sector imports, thus for shelter self help for large scale reconstruction which was extremely hard under the previous mechanism. Around 2013 alone, UNRWA additional staff, transit and logistical costs resulting from Israeli requirements on access and monitoring of development material imported through the solely open border crossing with Israel, Kerem Shalom, amounted to over USD 6.7 million. This is the equivalent cost of building three UNRWA schools around Gaza.
During the reporting week, there was a number of incidences of the IDF launching fire towards Palestinians near the wall. Repair work is ongoing.
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