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I blew it." 16









Rank: 2

发表于 2016-9-24 17:28:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Superintendent Kevin Skelly will report to the aboard on a timeline and "next steps" inside the wake of a federal finding in December that the center violated the civil rights of a student in its mishandling on the middle school bullying case.
A board also will discuss suggested changes to the district's homework coverage, which was adopted last August following the recommendations of a parent teacher committee. The policy features guidelines for length of time individuals should be spending on homework, like "zero to 30 minutes" in 3 rd grade and seven to 15 including Hot Dog Joes 64 hours per week for not for Advanced Placement high school students.
Among the proposed changes is the removing of requirements that students cover the cost up missed work just after an unexcused absence and the excretion of a prohibition on punishment pertaining to late homework. Also, educators may be allowed to assign some sort of "reasonable" number of long term assignments, instead of a "limited" number, and group work on class projects outside of university would no longer be prohibited. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR).
The federal agency discovered that the district's failure to control your bullying of a middle school undergraduate in 2010 11, which was related to the student's disability, crafted a "hostile environment," rising over a social or discipline challenge to become a civil rights issue.
Skelly apologized for the lack of information to be able to board members at their The month of february. 12 meeting.
"When this thing arrived I informed you regarding it, but I didn't give you the document or share the information of the OCR group, and I must have done that, bottom line,Inch he said.
"From a transparency situation, I blew it."
Beyond the timeline, Skelly tonight will present ideas for an anti bullying detect to parents and students, instruction of staff and scholars and updates to hand books.
Also tonight, representatives from the independent, parent led foundation Palo Alto Partners in Education are predicted to announce the group's 2013 gift to the classes district following a fundraising promotion that began last slide. Last year, PiE gave $4.Some million   amounting to more than Two percent of the district's operating funds   raised from donations by simply more than 4,500 dad and mom, community members and local organizations.
In other business tonight, the board will discuss the design update on a organized $17.5 million, 583 seat Undertaking Arts Center to be built on the Embarcadero Road edge of this Palo Alto High School campus.
Construction   expected to begin sometime in 2014   depends upon state approvals and realization of Paly's nearby Media Arts Core, currently under construction.
Also at some point, the board will pick up a report on the district's finances and a presentation on an initiative to market "hybrid courses," which blend traditional classroom instruction an internet-based learning.   the board can conduct an evaluation of Skelly's performance, awaited litigation and labor discussions. in the boardroom of school district headquarters, 25 Churchill Ave.
This is so poorly written that I can't understand what you are saying:
"Among a proposed changes is the removing requirements that students price of up missed work immediately after an unexcused absence and the removal of a prohibition on punishment regarding late homework. Also, instructors may be allowed to assign some sort of "reasonable" number of long term assignments, rather than "limited" number, and group work towards class projects outside of university would no longer be prohibited."
Are you trying to say that the panel is considering whether individuals should be able to make up missed operate after an unexcused absence and whether punishment for late homework should be allowed? And so are you saying that the aboard is considering whether course instructors should be able to assign more lasting assignments and whether set work on class projects really should be allowed outside of school? Just how your article is written, these types of statements could be interpreted the other way. I'm just trying to figure this out.
"In addition to the timeline, Skelly tonight will present plans with an anti bullying notice to oldsters and students, training involving staff and students plus updates to handbooks.In
The district will now finally inform everyone how violence turns into unlawful discrimination. Soon after PAUSD has been found guilty of violating a new student's civil rights?
Yrs ago our Principal at Addison Fundamental made it clear to the mother and father and students that any bullying which involved attacking a student based on race, non secular convictions, sexual orientation, or incapacity would not be tolerated at the school and that he would take the consequences of any such bullying fully extent of the law (something along those lines).
This is way before Skelly . Fast forward so that you can 2013, and Skelly is enabling us know now, most he can do to correct the difficulties?
Same time, PIE will hand him a nearly $5 thousand check, as a political statement of support and compensate?
"seven to 10 hours each week for non Advanced Position high school students."
This is means off base! A little about an hour a day of research for regular lane classes? Not nearly, not even for middle school scholars. This needs to be revised so that you can 14 to 30 several hours per week. Or are you simply saying that is what kids are currently being assigned? The national PTA common is 10 minutes per day each grade, which in 10th grade would be 100 min's per day, or nearly 120 minutes per day (10 hours each week). I have ho perso mio marito e il mio migliore amico 575 no idea who considers that 30 hours each week for a regular lane courseload is cheap but when you add that 30 hours to the 40 hours there're Han har kippar och frustande för mer än en timme 40 in class, you get a 70 an hour workweek for children. I think that makes it crystal clear why we need real restrictions rather than just leaving it up to every one to determine what is reasonable.
Do your employment, fire the superintendent. We pay out a high salary for a high-quality of work. Would you call the very last 12 months high quality?
Now employ that metric to Charles Small, the compliance officer specifically in charge of the complaint course of action. He's been in the center just over one year and a half. Offers his work been at the level of The therapy 84 high quality?
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