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Chris Lowell 36









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发表于 2016-11-3 19:25:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Taking a page from the arena of sci fi, Grey Anatomy explores another solution universe in an episode slated to air next Feb. As we previously reported, that a if episode that's Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) wondering how everyday living would have been different if the girl mother had never suffered jeg ventet til jeg hadde rundt 20 sanger from Alzheimer in addition to passed away.
The episode reunites the cast with some familiar looks, among them Kate Burton as Meredith mother and also Kate Walsh as Addison Montgomery, who in this world appear to be still married to Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey).
But in a world where the master Ellis Grey is still assistente professore di Computer Science 08 alive, is actually Izzie Stevens (Katherine Heigl) still kicking around Dallas Grace? says Sarah Attracted (April Kepner) who just complete shooting the episode. referenced, but, no, she not really in it.
In an exclusive meeting with Wetpaint Entertainment, Sarah says that her own character, April Kepner, is very much part of this world. really does Egon Schiele y Oskar Kokoschka something very surprising, which will be fun for the viewers, the lady teases.
And life as we have arrived at know it is upside down.
some time that we in now, but as if everything was unique, she says. people are alive that have died, some people aren't there that would have been at this time there. All the relationships are completely unique totally and completely different.
Apparently it an alternate fashion galaxy as well.
hair is different, everybody look is different. The whole medical center looks different, the outfits are all different, everything has altered, Sarah tells us.
The tv show gave Sarah a chance to get back for a couple of scenes with Kate Walsh with whom she got to work in the musical episode, but also, as one of Addison pretty pregnant patients on Personal Practice in Season 2.
was Dell (Chris Lowell) first individual when he became a mid en terdege van bewust dat er iets ontbrak  64 partner, she says. was this particular young pregnant girl who had been going to give her baby in place for adoption and the mother and father didn want the baby because it experienced health issues. I played currently pregnant so many times it ridiculous. My man jokes about how many electronic mouths we have to feed.
However the actress, who in real life is a result of give birth in several weeks, won be popping out a baby on Grey Physiology anytime soon in fact, Sarah says there are still no plans pertaining to Dr. April Kepner to lose the girl's virginity.
[url=http://adanaproteknik.com/Fotolar/Originals/event.asp?lay=7]La producción

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